Jeroen Bruggeman • Chamrousse DIY (FR)

‘I also think skateboarders can react differently when the photographer is a woman.’

Caroline Kaszak

September 2024

Where is home and what is the skate scene like in your town?
I live in the South of France, not far from Nîmes and Montpellier. It’s more of a dynamic scene with a lot of DIYs like Beaulieu DIY which is managed by the Hang Up association. It’s an old spot that was originally a skatepark in an old stone quarry. We also have a lot of private DIYs like the DIY Barbecue which organizes a Halloween Jam every year, an event not to be missed.

What came first? Skateboarding or Photography?
I got my first DSLR at the age of 13, it was a revelation and photography has never left me. Skateboarding came later when I was studying art history in Lille in the north of France. My best friend skated, that’s how my story started with skateboarding.

Whilst there are a lot of female skaters out there, is it fair to say that there is generally a lack of female representation in skate photography? Why do you think this is the case?
That’s a good question, maybe simply because you must be passionate about the two, both skateboarding and photography. You have to like lying on the ground in the dust, and sometimes you’ll take a hit from a board, it’s not really the most girly activity. I also think skateboarders can react differently when the photographer is a woman. Some are more attentive, others tend to direct you, it depends.

Elliot Barral • BS smith grind • Chamrousse DIY (FR)

What do you mean by ‘tend to direct you’?
By this I mean that we each have our own vision. Some people are used to seeing certain tricks from a certain angle. They may say, “No, but put yourself there,” except that I calculated another angle because there is a certain light or an architectural detail. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with the fact that I’m a woman, at least I hope so. I would have to discuss this with some photographers!

Who are some of the female photographers that inspire you?
Jill Freedman, the storyteller, these photos won’t leave you feeling indifferent. Her work is imbued with unconditional love and with a sharp gaze, they’re just amazing. So, to me she’s the best photographer when it comes to street and documentary photography. She has a knack for capturing the moment. We see this particularly in her work with the police on the streets of New York or when she showcased the lives of the circus troupe. Also, I love Dolorès Marat and her phantasmagorical universe that’s bordering on creepy.

Is there one skateshot you wish you had taken?
It’s hard to answer that question, there are so many! But I think it would be the photo of Roberto Alegria with Alain Goikoetxea. It’s a picture in a swimming pool, the shooting angle is just crazy. It was for a Volcom campaign.

‘I’m never totally satisfied’

Tanguy Angebault • FS layback • Montpellier (FR)

Proudest moment as a photographer?
I don’t have a moment where I’ve been really proud of myself as a photographer. I’m never totally satisfied; I always see a little thing I could improve. But if I had to choose one photo, it would be the of my friend Tanguy Angebault which appeared in the December 2023 issue of Damn skateboarding Magazine.

I noticed you released your own skatemag called ‘Absurde’ in November 2023. What triggered the idea?
The first issue came out at the end of last year, the idea is simple; it’s to highlight the vision of different photographers from all over the world and to talk about people who are active in maintaining a certain counterculture. Every photographer has their own vision, their own sensibility, and that’s what’s interesting. The feedback from the photographers who participated in the first issue is very positive and that’s the main thing that connections are being made! The goal isn’t to flatter the egos of some or talk about and promote the Olympics! We’re putting together issue 2 now and it will be out in April. Some of the photographers who participated in issue 1 have also started writing articles.

Last question. If you could interview one person, who would it be and why?
It would be Benjamin Debert simply because more than 25 years ago I went to see one of his exhibitions near Lille that had made an impression on me. I love the way he looks.

Jeroen Bruggeman • FS air • Halloween Jam at Barbecue DIY (FR)