Fetrik Vilius


November 2021

How long have been drawing skateboard artwork and why?
I became involved with art early 2011. Not a short time but i feel like that. For the first time I’m just drawing what I want and what I like. I did it consistently even when people said it is ugly artwork. When I was studying art and graphic design on university, I tried to mix my passion with something like skateboarding. The reason why I’m drawing one of them is about skate.

Where do you get the inspiration from?
My work has been inspired by music including grunge, punk, pyschadelic and youth lifestyle (Smoking, drunks, skateboarding and legal high). Create the unique artwork record of a subculture skate punk. Drawing skateboard sketches with grunge and raw stylized ink or digital drawing and combine with imagery. I’m used mixture of narration and music subculture references from 80’s and 90’s black and white style like Sonic youth album artwork, Black flag artwork by Raymond Pettibon and illustrator Adam Carvalho inspire me.

What does skateboarding mean to you?
Skateboard is part of my life. With skate I make a story about my own life. Even I’m not doing skate again because I had a few accidents in the past. Skate is my addiction.

If you can change one thing about Skateboarding what would it be?
Something I want to change skateboard is that it is still alive and I just want everybody to know.

What does the future hold for the skateboarding community in Indonesia?
Whatever your age, skateboarding in Indonesia will never die. Everybody loves it, skate, fashion and lifestyle always walk together all the time.