‘There is one rule we do know for sure it’s that “people buy people”.’


Chris Reuland

March 2025

How does an Englishman end up in Connecticut?
Wife’s orders! (laughing) “You’re living with me now”, she said.

You provide English lessons online for non-native learners that are skateboarders online. I doubt you are teaching them that ‘ollie one foot’ is the same as ‘ollie north’.
No indeed! I’m not actually teaching “about” skateboarding. Rather placing an English lesson within skateboarding. There is a self-learning website that kids can log into and that contains quizzes and videos to cover the fundamentals of ESL English. (= English as a Foreign Language) Skaters who regularly fall asleep during English class in school can try our program instead. The website is englishforskateboarders.com.

On your website it says that ‘the only condition to enroll is that you need to be a skateboarder’. Can you give us an example why?

Yes! There are actually two main reasons: one is a state of mind, and the other is practical. The practical side is that there are many references to skateboarding tricks as well as to brands. A non-skater would probably not stay engaged with the program. As we know, there is a core vocabulary that is known to all skaters, whether it be trick names or brands. What I did was use this vocabulary and expand to more general rules of English. I can take the name of a wheel; explain why we pronounce it in this way and show how other words of English meet the same rule. I might use the name “Backside” magazine and explain that there’s a reason we pronounce “Back” louder than “Side”. It’s a rule of ESL English. The mental side is the fact that we learn better if the mind is already interested and engaged. If the learning has to do with skateboarding, it makes it more fun.

What I did was use this (skateboard) vocabulary and expand to more general rules of English.’

Has any pro or a skate team signed up yet?
No, but they should, and I will explain why. I spoke to a lady who’s doing the same in pro soccer and it’s working really well. Now it’s come to “make sense” whereas before it was a new idea. If we put ourselves in the shoes of a pro skater, they obviously want to sell boards and make a good living. The skate companies want to do the same. But in terms of sales, the skate industry doesn’t quite “know” what makes a kid buy a board. It might be different things: the graphics, the price, the idea linked to a certain brand…There is one rule we do know for sure it’s that “people buy people”. The question is always “who are you and what are you about?” This is true for the music we listen to, the products we buy…And if you’re an up-and-coming pro skater and don’t speak English that well, many kids are going to buy someone else’s board. Maybe not always, but there’s that risk. The other reason I would like companies to get involved, is that I’d like to see skating be more than “just” about skating. We can use the energy of skating to help kids do better in school. We can make skateboarding a force for growth on a worldwide level. So, this is an open invitation to all companies that see value in encouraging education. Come on guys, I know you care!

So, there is a positive correlation between improving the English language and increase in board sales. April rider Yuto Horigome would sell more board now that he is able to communicate in English when he first was signed with very little knowledge.
(Laughing) Who knows? Sometimes, “not speaking” can actually build the myth – we see this in WWE wrestling for example. Andre the Giant, Brock Lesnar…they built myths without speaking and it works. In our own scene look no further than Tom Penny. In the case of Yuto Horigome, I listened to an interview of his from the 1st of May 2024 (X Games channel on Youtube) and his level of English seems to be somewhere between A1 and not quite A2. He seems to understand questions much better than he can express answers. There is a probability that kids worship his skating but might still not relate to him as a person because of his limitation to communicate his “story”. In all fairness, does he have all the tools to get across all he can about himself? Probably not. If he had started English classes 2 years ago, he might be even more popular now. Perhaps more sponsorship opportunities would have come his way, who knows? As I see it, the question is: why take the risk? Another very real risk for foreign speakers is that native speakers accommodate you and accept your way of speaking with your mistakes. It becomes your unique speech pattern and your identity. You stop progressing. Years down the line, you think you’re doing great when in fact no one actually told you that your English was full of mistakes. That’s just a universal phenomenon, not just in skating. If I were to guess, I don’t believe that good tricks are enough for a pro skater to make sales. No one realistically ran out to buy a Tony Hawk board because he landed a 900. Much less talented skaters than him have just as much of a chance of selling boards. Precisely because of their engaging personalities. And this comes down to what? Language!

In all fairness, does he have all the tools to get across all he can about himself? Probably not.’

What is on your wish list?
A happy life and happy marriage. Good health for those I love and for anyone else. Peace and prosperity for all. When it comes to skating, I like to dream big. It would be a beautiful thing to network skaters worldwide in a global learning community.

Last question. If you could interview one person, who would it be and why?
In skating? I’d really like to hang out with Jim Greco who seems like such an interesting person. I very much like the artistic films he does as well as his approach to skating. Also, Heath Kirchart who similarly marches to the beat of his own drum. And Danny Way, to get a feel of what goes through the mind of such an incredible athlete. And Paul Schmitt, who understands skating as a science. Those four. Did we say just one? Sorry.